Know What Matters

Public Speaking | Speech Writing |
Communications Strategy for Nonprofits

Helping students, professionals, leaders, and nonprofits communicate with impact

Public Speaking
Public Speaking is hard. And frightening. And like any skill, with determination and practice, you will get better. I have made thousands of presentations, from a few people and up to 13,000 people, and some of them have been pretty good. I have also taught dozens of Temple students how to effectively get their message across. They have told me that my approach has simply helped them speak better and with more confidence. And that they now even LIKE public speaking!
Speech Writing
A lot like public speaking, you need to know what to say, how to say it, and how to ask for that support you need. Whether it is speech at work, for a personal event (wedding or funeral), or to ask for support, we will work together to crystallize your opening, your message, and your call to action.
Communications for nonprofits
There is lots to do so you have less to do. I know because I have done it. There are several fundamentals you must have such as your vision, mission, organizational description, persuasive statement and more so your website, your grant applications, your thank you letters all are connected. I know the struggle, and I have learned over the past five years how to do it. I will work with you to shorten your effort to greatly improve your messaging!

What John's colleagues say

Aiden McGowran
Aiden McGowran
Director, Enterprise Architecture
One of John’s super powers is to turn around projects that have lost focus, organization, or direction. He takes people working in silos and forms legitimate teams where everyone is working together, communication is restored, passion for the mission and vision is back, and success is attainable.
Patti Fletcher
Patti Fletcher
High Tech CMO
John is one of the few people who can deliver strategy-to-execution and execution-to-strategy. He is a master communicator, relationship cultivator, and cut-through-bullshit pragmatist that we all need to get stuff done while uniting, laughing, and learning all along the way.
Barry Boise
Barry Boise
Partner, Law Firm and RHBE Board Member
John brings experience and project management acumen to organizations and teams. But more than this, he will learn your organization, its mission and goals, and work collaboratively with your diverse and multi-faceted talent group to achieve what is possible.
Chelsea Crawford
Chelsea Crawford
Account Executive & Board Member
The phrase ‘courageous leadership’ sums up John’s style – and reflects what he teaches emerging leaders. In addition, he is a role model for leaders around continuing to learn, develop, and grow in order to best support your team and nurture excellence.

Know what matters

Work with me

Turn Your Ideas into Reality

Know what matters. Do what matters. Know yourself. Build a team.

While riding my bike across the United States in 2017, I had this epiphany that works for me, and is based on these four core principals:

  1. Know what matters – identify your important stuff.
  2. Do what matters – spend lots of time on this important stuff.
  3. Know yourself – be self-aware. Know what you do well and where you can use help.
  4. Build a team – where you need help, ask for it. My mother always shared a famous Irish saying that, “Many hands make light work”.

My promise to you is when we work together, your ability to do that presentation, make that speech, or tighten your messaging improve in ways you did not think possible!

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